Wednesday 1 August 2012

Be with the one

be with the one that makes you happy the one that makes you smile, the one that makes you lough, and each day worth while, live life for the moment,try hard to make it last, because life is so short, it goes by so fast, so when you find love, do not let it slip away, hold it forever, and cherish it each day, as long as you are happy, that is what you should do, love that someone and let them know before your life is through

showers of smiles

Showers of smiles to you i send may the stress of the day be washed away. and peace love and happiness surround you today.


Sometimes people dont notice the things we do for them, until we stop doing it.

I dont have an Attitude

I dont have an attitude problem i just have a personality you cant handle!

this is a friendship

This is a friendship rose... pass this on to all your friends you care about... if it is sent back to you, you will know who your true friends are...

i can go

i can go days without talking to you,months without seeing you
not a second goes by that i dont think about you 

it is wrong

it is wrong to tax a working person almost then to give it to a person who is able to work, but refuses to.

great people

great people on earth are those who know how to smile, when life forces them to sad.

take it

take it promise me that you,ll take good care of it..

i want a guy

who is constantly reminding you of constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you.

To my family

to my all family and friends who listen when i'm angry, hug me up when i'm sad and laugh with or at me whenever possible . thanks for being there !

you have to take

you have to take the good with the bad, smile when you are sad, love what you have got and remember what you had 

when we first

when we first met i honestly had no idea that you would be so important to me 

from this day on

from this day on, when i look back on the past, i will smile and say to myself i never thought i could do it but i did... i overcome all the people who tried to bring me down ..

I am not waiting

  i am not waiting for a prince, i am waiting for the one who thinks i'm their princess.

As long

As long as there is someone in the sky to protect me, there is no one on earth who could break me,

some people think

some people think that to be strong is to never feel pain in reality the strongest people are the ones who feel it, understand it, accept and learn from it 

you gain strength

you gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. you are able to say to yourself, you must do the thing you think you cannot do "

At childhood "we cry loudly to get what we like" but now "when we grown up, we cry silently to forget what we like ,,

3 Stupid stages of life

3 stupid stages of life ! teen age: have time+energy... but no money working age: have money+energy .. but no time old age have time+money... but no energy

one day you'll meet someone who doesn't care about your past because they want to be with you in your future.

A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.

You never appreciate all of the things your mother did for you until you find yourself doing the same things for your kids.

just because someone

Just because someone looks stronger doesn't mean nothing is wrong, even the strongest person needs a friend to rely on and a shoulder to cry on


Sometimes, when you see a person cry it's better not to ask why? sometimes, it takes only three words to make them happy again and those three words are I AM HERE .

let me love you

                                 Let me love you if not for the rest of your life then for the rest of mine

Dont care

don't care about what other people think of you. there will always be those people who want to see you fail because they can't succeed.

best school memory

best school memory throwing random things at people then acting like it wasn't you.

i dont care

I don't care if you're black, white,short,tall,skinny,rich or poor. if you respect me, i'll respect you.

when you truly

when you truly care for someone, their mistakes never change your feelings because it,s the mind that gets angry but heart stilll cares.

That one

That one friend that always gets un into trouble.

you really

you really don't always have to be super nice. sometimes you have to show your bad side so that you can sort out who can accept you at your worst.


lord i cant say it in words 

i am happy to be me

I am happy to be me. i may not be perfect but i am honest, loving, and happy. i don't try to be what i am not to be what i am not and i don't try to impress anyone I am me.

keep your heart open

Keep your heart open to dreams for as long as there,s a dream there is hope. and as long as there is hope, there is joy in living, the key to happiness is having dreams. the key to success is making your dreams come true!

the strongest factore

the strongest factor for success is self esteem 

there are things

There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can,t live without but have to let go.

spend your time

spend your time with them who loved you unconditionally 

Quotes for inspirational purposes

Quotes for inspirational purposes
 Why are memorable and heart touching quotes highly demanded everywhere?
 Most people in this world love quotes, especially memorable and heart touching quotes and inspirational quotes, through quotes you can find a lot of positive messages and through that they can find inner peace and they can see beauty in every quotes .

Should we read quotes and sayings and Golden words and thoughts on a regular basis ?

Should we read quotes and sayings and Golden words and thoughts on a regular basis ?
 Don't you love quotes?
 I just love them! Any quotes: inspirational quotes, health quotes and peace quotes motivational quotes, quotes about love, quotes about life, quotes about hard work... any! I read them quite a lot, almost every day. I am constantly amazed how much I can learn from them. However, the best thing about quotes and sayings is that they are short and don't take much of my precious time.

Peace of love quotes in our everyday lives

Peace of love quotes in our everyday lives
 Quotes are a great way to tell your feelings to your crush and your thoughts , wife, friends or parents. There are numerous quotes such as cute movie love quotes and so much more and there health quotes and peace quotes .

How to use quotes in life

How to use quotes in life
 Quotes can be effective tools to spice up your writing, enlighten your day or even for self-branding and even giving power to your heart . Here's how we recommend you put these to use in simple everyday situations.

When to use quotes in public speaking

When to use quotes in public speaking
 It's a good skill to know how and how often one should employ quotes from others.
 Some speakers get nervous about referencing another's statement or idea, but if used correctly, quoting an expert is almost always a boon to your presentation. Showing that others of significance are like-minded on your subject can build credibility.
 Additionally, experts in their fields or who have succeeded in developing their own brands normally enjoy being quoted--as long as proper credit is given.

 Quotes can be effective tools to spice up your writing, enlighten your day or even for self-branding. Here's how we recommend you put these to use in simple everyday situations.

Encouragement quotes

Encouragement quotes:
 Reading encouragement quotes, quotes on positive thinking, thoughts and golden words and other positive phrases to motivate yourself to take action is a great tool for success.
 Keeping these good quotes and thoughts and around you, however, is more important than most people would first guess.
 This article explains the importance of keeping quotes for positive thinking, positive attitude quotes and other good quotes around you, as well as tells you how to embark on making your own postcards and posters to get you going in the right direction.

Positive thinking quotes

Positive thinking quotes
 Choosing positive thinking quotes,
 Positive sayings, thoughts and other encouragement quotes can be fun when you know a few simple tricks to making them fit for you.
 My article gives you three tips for choosing which positive quotes are good quotes that find happiness inside and are the best ones for you.

Why people should use quotes about life

Why people should use quotes about life
 Quotes in general can have a positive and good impact on your life. Whether it's a quote about life or about love peace , inspirational quotes, life quotes, dating quotes, funny quotes, so on and so on. Many quotes are originated from famous people and quotes are their Golden words and thoughts

Love quotes

Love quote
 Love Quotes can make expressing the feeling of Love easier and , help healing a broken heart, inspire you to live a better life and enjoy life again , help spicing up and reviving your Love Life and beauty of soul, bring your loved ones and you closer, put a smile on their face and help making relationships bliss and enjoy the rest of life

Merchant account quotes

Merchant account quotes
 For many businesses, merchant account fees are responsible for a significant portion of monthly operating expenses. To be sure that you're paying as little as possible for credit card processing, it's a good idea to periodically check the market by getting business man account quotes from a few different providers. This article explains where to get them and what to look for.